Saturday, September 25, 2010

Réflexion sur l'ambassade française

Paying a visit to the French Embassy gave me a first hand understanding of constructivism. Listening to the French diplomat speak, I was surprised to hear that France "has no minorities." France is all about integrating immigrants into the "French culture;" everyone should know French and this idea of integration is what led to the French Parliament's ban on the wearing of the burqa. When immigrants arrive in France, it almost seems as though their identities are rearranged to be French first and then (insert country of origin here).

But why is France so adamant about integrating everyone into the French culture, while other countries, like the United States, embrace and promote diversity? In the U.S. many ethnic groups maintain their own respective cultures and do not completely conform to American culture, which has led to the forming of ethnic communities.

Has France's integration ideals formed the French stereotypes of French people being rude and stuck up and only accepting of those who speak French? Are the French too prideful about their French identity to the point that they feel the need to impose it on others?

I think France's aggressive promotion of its "French identity" may lead it to make unwise political decisions in the future, like the decision of banning the wearing of the burqa which seems to come across as a stab at personal liberté.

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