Wednesday, September 15, 2010

To Vote or Not to Vote...

That is the question. Is it better to vote uninformed or to not vote at all? Let me ask this question, is it better to drink spoiled milk or to not drink milk at all? To this second question, most people would answer that they would rather not drink milk at all than to drink spoiled milk and face the health consequences of ingesting rotten dairy. The same concept can be applied to the question of voting; it is better to not vote at all than to vote uninformed. Much like drinking spoiled milk, voting uninformed comes with risks and can corrupt a system.

When a voter walks into a voting booth, he is about to choose the person he wants to represent him in the government. Going to vote and knowing nothing about the candidates or current issues is not productive because the voter can not make an intelligent decision about who will best represent him in the government. Voting for whoever has the best looking name on the ballot can create a government that the population could potentially be unsatisfied with because voters were not familiar with the candidates' policy ideas and ideals. Like how drinking spoiled milk negatively affects your health, voting uninformed negatively affects government and mocks representative democracy.

It is best to educate yourself before going to vote so your vote is most effective and purposeful. Lessons of the day: Don't drink spoiled milk just for the sake of having some milk and don't vote uninformed just for the sake of voting.

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