Monday, October 25, 2010

Reflection: Risk, how would you conquer the world?

Who knew that 3 teams could simultaneously win the game of Risk? Having played Risk numerously times before, I was under the assumption that there would only be one team laughing in the end. Risk is a game full of emotions. Despair, triumph, anger, and joy are some of the emotions players experience in a game of Risk. Often times only the world conqueror ends up not having to deal with the negative emotions.

Maybe I’m looking too much into it, but I think I saw glimpses of sadism when Green was about to be wiped off the map. Players in the Green team, who were obviously hurt by the betrayal, asked for mercy in a situation where it couldn’t do anything. I have no idea if the 3 teams could have won with Green on the map, but no mercy was shown. Because we all knew each other, betrayals feel more personal even in a game. Now I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the wipe out of Red. The joy we get when exercising power is just in human nature.

The game reinforced the idea that liberalism works in a weird way. The teams who negotiated least with the rest were the ones who got wiped out. Even though countries don’t get wiped out for not talking in the real world, the ones who make the most ties clearly do better economically. Black who was the hegemon managed to negotiate with teams to ally with it. Red built up armies around China, which triggered an alert on the other teams to deal with it. Yellow got a pass for their massive army in the Middle East by the good work of their diplomat. Blue made an error early in the game, but laid low for a while and built alliances. Green spread themselves out in order to it’s achieve its goal, making them an easy picking for a 3 v 1. The teams who were off doing their own thing fell, and those who negotiated succeeded. Overall this was a very interesting game.

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